Bogdan Sandulescu

Bogdan Sandulescu

Technical founder at Amiqa


Bogdan is the founder of Amiqa, working on autonomous testing robots for web applications, helping developers make less mistakes in production by automating basic tests for web apps. Previously CTO at uberVU (acquired by HootSuite), where he first noticed the struggle of E2E test automation when working with limited resources.

New technologies and approaches for web application testing

In this masterclass you will learn to improve your testing skills as a developer, through a quantified self-approach: test, measure and then learn.

As developers we lack a metric of how well we manually test an application in development and as a result, how to improve our testing on localhost is not always clear cut. Writing automated tests improves this process by providing a coverage metric, but as you know 100% coverage does not guarantee 0 bugs.

We start this masterclass by providing an application under test and a script you will use to see to measure how well you can test from a user perspective. With this baseline manual coverage established we will approach different testing techniques such as

- Black Box Testing

- Requirements Based Testing

- White Box Testing

And measure how well each new technique improves your testing process, using real numbers rather than feel good metrics.

Agenda Talks

Web & Mobile Week

10:30 to 13:30
17 Nov 2020

New technologies and approaches for web application testing

In this masterclass you will learn to improve your testing skills as a developer, through a quantified self-approach: test, measure and then learn.