
DevCon Live represents a powerful tool of learning sessions lead by experts for experts from the tech industry. Check the Agenda, find your perfect mix of events, and craft your own journey with the most important topics of the moment!
10:00 to 10:45
10 Nov 2020

Building JavaScript at Scale

Over the last years the web tooling has evolved dramatically. Popular tools, such as Angular CLI and Create React App provide well encapsulated builds that “just work!”

Over time, however, we started building larger applications. Often so big that the time between code update and page reload takes tens of seconds instead of milliseconds. This is not only annoying but also reduces our productivity. An organization which hit this problem early on is Google. To make engineers working on large applications productive, Google developed Bazel - a tool for building applications at scale.

In this talk we’ll see how Bazel allows us to reduce our build time of our large applications in orders of magnitude! We’ll explain how it compiles our code in parallel, or even up in the ☁️. In the last part of the presentation, we’ll see how to use Bazel for our JavaScript at scale.

10:50 to 11:20
10 Nov 2020

Microfrontends - ReactJS & Angular

Many of you heard about microservices, but what about micro frontends? The micro frontends bring the benefits of the microservices to the frontend applications.
11:25 to 12:05
10 Nov 2020

The Future of Audio Processing in the Web

WebAssembly opens a door for professional-grade audio software for the Web, allowing to compile plugins written in C, C++, or Faust. Faust is not only the tragic play by Goethe but a programming language for digital signal processing (DSP). During the talk, I compile Faust plugins right in online IDE into WebAssembly and load them as Web Audio Modules into a web-based guitar processing app.

12:10 to 12:40
10 Nov 2020

Change Detection in Angular

This presentation will focus on revealing some details about how change detection works in Angular, understanding the means through which Angular does it and a few tips about improving app performance.
12:45 to 13:15
10 Nov 2020

Hands on Performance Debugging with the browser DevTools

 A no-slides, hands-on, live debugging session using only the browser Developer Tools on the website of your choice. We'll dive deep into spotting performance bottlenecks into any website and how to fix them.

13:15 to 14:15
10 Nov 2020

Lunch Break

14:15 to 15:00
10 Nov 2020

Angular Lessons at the Enterprise Level

Angular, as a fully-fledged framework, provides an opinionated direction on how to structure your app, from design patterns to folder structure. When you are new to Angular, this is an advantage. Yet once you become a more seasoned developer, you start finding scenarios that require a closer look. Challenges like state management, library authoring, or handling hundreds of components demand you to look beyond the framework. You need to research what the ecosystem can offer in terms of tooling, dependencies, and patterns.

When you are working on a small app, these matters are minor, but when YOU are at the enterprise level, they become critical concerns that you need to address down the road. Big projects are just multipliers, make a small mistake, and you have thousands of euros down the drain. Join me to learn the most important lessons of 4 years of experience with Angular.

  • Juan Herrera Avatar Juan Herrera Google Developer Expert in Angular, Software Developer at Parkside
15:05 to 15:45
10 Nov 2020

The New CSS Logical Properties

Most of us developers used to think in terms of left and right, top and bottom. This is because in the early days of the internet, it was meant mostly for uploading documents, and not for the complex website structures we know today.

15:50 to 16:20
10 Nov 2020

How to create pure CSS games

In this time of the coronavirus epidemic, a lot of our plans have been canceled. From every bad situation, we need to try to see the good thing in it. Elad Shechter took his free time at home to create a pure CSS game. He will explain to you lots of tips and tricks on "how to create pure CSS games.
16:25 to 17:05
10 Nov 2020

GraphQL for a better JavaScript Developer Experience (DX)

Handling data fetching is one of the biggest (and most duplicated) topics in web development. We developers often need to write a lot of imperative code to retrieve data to display in our applications. With GraphQL you can improve the DX of JavaScript development and I’ll show you how (even without a GraphQL server)!

  • Roy Derks Avatar Roy Derks Leading the Engineering teams at Vandebron
13:00 to 16:10
13 Nov 2020

Driving innovation in education powered by Systematic

DevHacks is a 24h hackathon that focuses on the intersection of the technology and society. Our mission is to bring together a diverse range of perspectives, from young IT professionals to seniors, from developers to designers and to ignite the flow of ideas between different participants.

At the 6th edition, DevHacks will move online spreading its wings in all the November month under the umbrella of DevCon Live. We will have 3 hackathons activated that will bring together, over 140 IT professionals, over 35 teams and mentors that will be part of an intense competition of coding and different challenges. You can now register and you can join in teams or individually to come up with original ideas and contribute to the everyday impact on our society!

You can now register and you can join in teams or individually to come up with original ideas and contribute to the everyday impact on our society! 

11:00 to 12:00
10 Nov 2020

Managing Virtual Teams. The good, the bad, the ugly

Organizational mobility and working in distributed teams has become the norm in the current global context for the majority of tech professionals. Developing leading-edge software products is no longer hindered by space boundaries and teams are able to collaborate fully virtual, across the globe. And although most of us are equipped to thrive in the digital age and deliver results successfully, managing an ecosystem of people operating and collaborating virtually can be extremely challenging.

14:00 to 14:45
10 Nov 2020

The battle of JS automation frameworks. Behind the scenes

New JS frameworks pop up at an unprecedented speed, making it hard for JS enthusiasts to keep up. Let’s take a look behind the scenes of JS Automation Frameworks and discover which ones are the most popular, easier to use, what are the advantages and disadvantages of each and which are the ones that have really succeeded in building large communities of users and evangelists. 

  • Alina Perde Avatar Alina Perde Technical Manager at 3Pillar Global Romania
14:45 to 15:15
10 Nov 2020

Is the connected world leading us to a disconnected reality?

15:15 to 15:45
10 Nov 2020

Pivoting in times of Pandemic