Florin Tiron

Florin Tiron

Lead Android Developer at Raiffeisen Bank


Florin Tiron is a Senior Developer in the Android Apps Development team at Raiffeisen Bank. He has over 6 years of experience in architecting and developing Android apps in various industries from media to finance.
Florin is an adept of writing clean and scalable code and a driver in the adoption of software development and code quality best practices.

Security in an Android App - A practical perspective

Developing a mobile banking app implies that you always take user's security in consideration.

Sometimes you can increase an app's security just by setting a flag but most of the times it's a challenge trying to balance security, user experience and working with Android's API.

In this talk we will share our experience in implementing various security features, some of the challenges that we faced and practical tips.

Agenda Talks

Web & Mobile Week

14:50 to 15:20
17 Nov 2020

Security in an Android App - A practical perspective

Developing a mobile banking app implies that you always take user's security in consideration.